叶琮裕,男,1965年生,台湾高雄人,高雄大学工学院副经理,环境工专业教授,美国宾州州立大学工学博士。专长为废水处理、人工湿地自然净水系统、植生复育、土壤及地下水污染整治. Email:tyyeh@nuk.edu.tw
环保署「98年度环保科技育成中心计划」, 以乳化型释氢基质之整治墙技术处理受含氯溶剂污染之地下水, 2009/4/1, 2010/1/1, 已完成, 共同主持人,
环保署「97年度环保科技育成中心计划」, 应用压力循环处理系统整治受重金属及有机物污染底泥, 2008/3/1, 2008/12/1, 已完成, 共同主持人,
环保署「96年度环保科技育成中心计划」, 以释氧化剂整治墙处理受油污染之地下水, 2007/3/1, 2007/12/1, 已完成, 共同主持人,
环保署「95年度环保科技育成中心计划」, 利用整治列车系统处理受DNAPL污染之地下水, 2006/3/1, 2006/12/1, 已完成, 共同主持人,
环保署「94年度环保科技育成中心计划」, 应用整合型复育技术处理受燃料油污染之土壤及地下水, 2005/3/1, 2005/12/1, 已完成, 共同主持人,
1. 2014, T. Y. Yeh1*, C L Lin1, "A sediment phytoattenuation evaluation by four sessions of vetiver planting and harvesting, SCI,
2. 2014, T. Y. Yeh , C. L. Lin ,K. F. Chen,C. C. Chen, Chelator-enhanced phytoextraction of Copper and Zinc by sunflower, Chinese cabbage, cattails and reeds, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology , SCI,
3. 2014, T. Y. Yeh1*, K. F. Chen 2, C. L. Lin1, Waste removal and oxygen condition in a natural water purification system, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, SCI,
4. 2014, T.Y. Yeh1*, M.H. Wu, C.Y. Cheng2, Y.H. Hsu2, A Study and Analysis on the Physical Shading Effect of Water Quality Control inConstructed Wetlands, Journal of Environmental Protection, SCI,
5. 2014, T.Y. Yeh1*, M. H. Wu. J. R. Ho, A Study and Analysis on the Physical Shading Effect of Water Quality Control inConstructed Wetlands(SCI) (Impact factor:2.599), Engineering journal, SCI,
6. 2014, T. Y. Yeh1*, C L Lin1, A sediment phytoattenuation evaluation by four sessions of vetiver planting and harvesting(SCI) (Impact factor: 2.599), Engineering journal, SCI,
7. 2014, T. Y. Yeh1*, Application of chelators to enhance phytoextraction of Cu, and Zn, by herbs in soils with high and low organic contents, Engineering journal, SCI,
8. 2014, T. Y. Yeh , C. L. Lin ,K. F. Chen,C. C. Chen, Chelator-enhanced phytoextraction of Copper and Zinc by sunflower, Chinese cabbage, cattails and reeds, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, SCI,
9. 2014, T.Y. Yeh1*, Fred Cannon2, Cu removal to ppb levels via iron coagulation and biosolid conditioning(SCI) (Impact factor: 3.9), International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, SCI,
10.2014, T. Y. Yeh*, M. H. Wu. C. C. Wu, K. H. Lee, The Improvement of Phytomediation on the Treatment Effectiveness of Heavy Metals with Energy Sunflower Plants with Calcium Peroxide and Phytohormones, Journal of Environmental Protection, SCI,
11.2014, T. Y. Yeh*, M. H. Wu. J. R. Ho, The Improvement of Phytomediation on the Treatment Effectiveness of Heavy Metals with Energy Sunflower Plants with Calcium Peroxide and Phytohormones (SCI) (Impact factor:2.599), Engineering journal, SCI,
12.2014, T. Y. Yeh1*, K. F. Chen 2, C. L. Lin1, Waste removal and oxygen condition in a natural water purification system, Engineering journal (SCI) (Impact factor:2.599), SCI,
13.2014, T. Y. Yeh1, J. R. Ho2, H. T. Tsai2, K. F. Chen2, "The unprsendant farmland soil monitoring project , SCI,